Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Journals 6-10

Journal Six:

Bigenho, C.(2009) “Mining for Gold.” Leading and Learning. 36.
Retrieved on 3/29/2009 from:

Technology never ceases to amaze with new and more simplistic methods in which people can access information. RSS (Real Simple Syndication/Summary) actually provides the means, via self design (The Daily Me) to access only the information the individual seeks through. The communication method is also an individual choice since one decides to receive specific access through bogs, wakes, or pod casts.

If f that weren’t enough, the information is bookmarked, tagged, and there exists no extra information or advertisement to serve as a distraction. Even cooler: one needs not be a rocket scientist to update the service as it updates itself. According to the Daily Me link, the RSS feed, which is in the XML format which features information/news from various other web sites, changes as the actual published RSS changes. Talk about “designer” for the individual and especially tailored instruction for students as the classroom instructor so deems. I could wrap my brain around RSS and I plan to as RSS is yet another way on enhance classroom assignments and hence, whole class engagement. Since RSS has the capability to bookmark assignments, a teacher is able to have students peruse specific material before arriving and hence, have assigned blogs completed. Akin to receiving a new e-mail, the classroom teacher, through Bloglines Notifier, is notified each time a new post arrives.

One way I would familiarize my students is to show them the RSS feed which is more frequently found on Internet sites – the orange self identified icon, and then I would model a page in which the students could either see or hear the various modes through the aggregator. As they became familiar with the page, they would be provided an opportunity to choose content for projects. For example, they could follow blogs, view part of a pod cast, or access a segment of a television program (see Q and A)

How will RSS benefit the population I work with?

Once familiar with the feed, I would explain the goal of RSS and how its use could benefit them. For starters, within the SDC population I serve, many have challenges with organization, sequencing, and short term memory. The RSS page has the information organized and could be presented in a linear manner so following along would not be so arduous. Since I need to do multiple reviews/tutorials with my students, the page is easily accessible. How does RSS address all learning modalities?

The student sees appealing visuals, hears the audio, and has to manipulate the computer to find specific sites or to post. Many of my students who have ADHD tell me that they learn best through movement with their hands which also assists with concentration.

Journal Seven:

Warwick, D.(2009) “Growing and Learning Network.” Leading and Learning. 36.
Retrieved on 3/28/2009 from:
http://www.learningandleading-digital.com/learning_leading 200904

The article chronicles how drastically people are communication and information has changed as a result of personal learning networks and the increasing benefits of plns for teachers via use of aggregators such as Google, Twitter, skype, Ning, Wikis, pod casts,
and significantly, social bookmarks .The article piggybacks on the previous journal with reference to how RSS feeds play an integral role in the personal learning networking.

With regard to the personally maintained synchronous connection in my class, I see it as a viable tool for conflict resolution, developing social skills and self reflection. My students come with a lot of baggage and frustration because of learning challenges and impulsivity. They also have issues which entail getting in each other’s space. If they could “mix it up” via teleconference (with an adult supervisor acting as facilitator, that is) Then I have the kids who “act in” and fear saying anything at all who reveal their voice only through electronic means and I envision the personally maintained synchronic connection to overcome shyness and ultimately meet the CSTs in oral language expression.

I also visual my students accessing the personally and socially maintained semisynchorous connection personal learning network. On a daily basis, they argue that they could focus better if I would allow them to chat; perhaps there is sustenance to their pleas and I could forego being the “heavy” for a change. (It goes with the territory) At any rate, knowing how teens love to multi-task via e-devices, I could more comfortably assign a collaborative Delicious.com project with some built in chat time to discuss their tags. Now that I am familiar with Delicious.com, I prefer it to Google because it’s streamlined - a strong scaffold for my students.

Would I use the Semisynchronous personal learning network with my class?

Yes, but only if it was used in the Face Book format. They are very self conscious about their writing and spelling skills which would be quite evident in their class blogs. Since Face Book displays more than text and they enjoy it, the written expression would not be such a pressing issue. On the other hand, what a great opportunity for them to do some peer editing via Face Book!

Journal Nine:

Water, J..(2009). The Journal. The Kids Are All Right:
Retrieved on 3/31/20009 from:
http://www.thejournal.com/the/printarticle/?id =24104

The article “The Kids Are All Right” advocates student use Facebook, MySpace, and You Tube without a mere mention of student misuse. I am no prude or control freak; however, I strongly disagree with the language, “We do not believe that educators…need to bear down on kids with complicated rules and restrictions and heavy handed norms about how they should engage online.” Admittedly, the Netiquette rules and ISTs are anything but complicated; however, often students lack the maturity and wisdom to make wise decisions while using technology. Recently, I heard an alarming statistic about teenagers which reflected that 40% have done the “sexting” thing and hence putting themselves at risk for being seen by countless people. Somehow, a strong argument ensues that the kids simply are not all right.

Maybe I missed something; and if so, please enlighten me. The article’s contents, on some levels, could easily contradict NETS-T Standard 4 in the event that students lacked close monitoring and Netiquette ignorance. I sense anarchy on the rise if we relax rules. I hate to sound skeptical; however, I find the article “The Kids Are All Right” reeks of bias. According to the piece, it is incumbent on me, the classroom teacher to facilitate passion for academics via “geeking out” and subsequently, self-directed learning. I hate to be a naysayer, but it’s not likely. The 800 student research project is not an adequate representation of the norm and I was relieved to read that the authors “do not have hard numbers to quantify the research until the project’s next phase. I am not saying I won’t entertain the idea of allowing students to show evidence of concept mastery via mySpace; however, I am not convinced, based on this particular sample. They are a distraction!!

Question One: Can I confidently integrate the use of Face Book, My Space, and You Tube in my class curriculum?

The operative word here is confidently, so the resounding answer is no until sufficient time has been spent on norms. With my freshman, absolutely not; however, my juniors and seniors could handle specific assignments prefaced with clear expectations. Plus, I need more time to research because this article appears to lack objectivity. In other words, along and continuous of Netiquette and District policy on technology.

Question Two: What consequences will be consistently enforced in the event those students dismiss Netiquette?

No slack and no second chances. If one lacks the maturity and wisdom to use technology in and educational and enriching method during school, the privilege to use it should be lost. Hey, I value my credential and there’s no way I will lose it during my watch!
Journal 10:

Green, B. and Thormann, J. (2009). “Testing Kurweil 3000.” Leading and Learning.
36. Retrieved on 4/3/09 from:

Since learning bits and pieces about Kurzweil through my credentialing program
and actually testing it here on the CSUSM campus and the United Cerebral Palsy
Association Center, I’m convinced that it holds the panacea for struggling readers, especially those who have receptive language processing deficits in either auditory or visual comprehension. No intervention is perfect; however, I feel this program comes the closest. Features of the Kurzweil 3000 include: text to speech, dictionary, spell check, syllabication, highlighting key points with different colors contingent on specific text, zoom, speed, test taking and much more. The program, designed to assist students with auditory and visual processing deficits, are able to access whatever program best accommodates comprehension of content.

Green and Thurman also completed a study in how the Kurzweil fared compared to either Word or Mac features in which they chose Kurzweil because it offers a larger variety of support for the student who learning challenges. For example, the Korowai program has the capability to summarize key points of a chapter and create study guides. For the student who faces the daily challenge of dyslexia, the program provides both the visual word attack and auditory presentation of the text; hence the student can focus on concepts, analysis, and other critical thinking skills.

The use of Kurzweil fosters independence for those who are challenged with written text
and it also levels the playing field for those who are in general education classes. Students who have dystrophic (problems with sequencing thoughts into written text and illegible handwriting find that Kurzweil greatly assists with written organization and appropriate transitions.

If you think you would like to give the program a shot (you will be having students with IEPs in your classes), check out Kurzweil here on campus; you’ll find it in Disabled Student Services. That term bugs me because we’re supposed to be talking about empowerment for all students. It’s the ultimate way to differentiate instruction.

Question One: How can a school or a school district justify the Kurzweil expense?

I would suggest writing a grant which would provide in-services for teachers and assistants, media techs and the $3000 plus which is needed for the program.

Question Two: Because the Kurzweil offers so many capabilities, how will the students feel undaunted by the program? There exist tutorials, plus daily use will be habit forming.
Also, teachers and media techs will oversee student usage and thus be available.

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