Journal One
Rubble, M. (2009) “Passport to Digital Citizenship.” Leading and Learning. 4.
Riddle wastes no words establishing a coherent article thesis, clearly relating the
the importance of importance of approaching technology and hence, “digital citizenship,” with serious regard and respect and the respective mission statement of the new NET*S. The “passport,” used metaphorically, hinges on commensurate adherence to using technology responsibly and proactively.
Indeed, technology has changed lives, and as strong as that assertion stands, it is yet an understatement. As with all advances, there exists the positives and negatives. While technology yields such an excellent medium in which to access content and other pertinent data, it also serves to tempt the student who aspired to please parents, gain acceptance in an elite college, and even cheat during a class test. Hence, the need for“The Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship” must be enforced to prevent absolute anarchy on the web and its subsequent plethora of users.
Whereas the writer appreciates all that ISTE NETS Refresh Project aspiration in dealing with the strong emergence of social changes, one could argue that professional development and parent projects stand little to no chance of implementation with the declining economy and shortage of educational resources. These days, teachers face cuts across the board; the year began bleakly. This is not to deter or discourage my ED 422 classmates from entering the teaching field; simply the statement was made to gain awareness that the onus is on teachers to set technological standards.
Students require technological guidelines aligned with class expectations – something the writer learned the hard way. In an SDC/ELD English class, many students have no computer at home; therefore, the school computer seems the panacea for access. Whereas computers are an essential component to the CA State Standards in Education, some students, especially those who are without access, view the computer as a toy or more specifically, a means of entertainment. As in all aspects in education, the buzz word is accountability. After all, no computer should be left behind since the goal is to narrow the achievement gap!
Question 1:
How can we, as teachers, establish clear and consistent expectations for student computer usage? For example, what consequences exist for each specific act of misuse, even though Districts enforce prudent blockings of specific sites?
Answer: Consistent modeling and clear expectations at all times – no exceptions.
Nada nada, zippo, zilch. Technology must be respected and revered.
Question 2:
Answer: List the ISTE Standards on the school web site, in the class syllabus, on individual teacher websites, or in hard copies which are sent home as introduction letters.
I enjoyed reading about your perspective considering you are teaching at the high school level. I am sure you encounter some misuse/abuse amongst today's technologically advanced teenagers! Making them aware of what is appropriate versus inappropriate would be a valuable lesson.