Sunday, March 8, 2009

Journal Four

Journal Four:

Riedel, C..(2009). T-H-E Journal. Create, Collaborate, Communicate: Empowering
Students with 21st Century Skills.
Retrieved on 3/1/2009 from:

Such a sad commentary that “education ranks 55 and thus, below technological applications used in coal mining.” creates a dismal, yet clear perception that
t describes the educational crisis that currently exist (Reidel, 2009.) The statement is far from arbitrary. Admittedly, the “traditional classroom” frequently fails to address the skills current students require in order to fare in the highly competitive and advanced age which is referenced as a means of empowerment in the article. Indeed, employers seek those who have interactive and problem solving skills. Video conferencing is huge, and easily saves large corporations traveling expended. This generation of students is expected to establish a global voice in the domestic and world economy.

The other day, after reading The North County Times, one of my students enjoyed the story about the 10 people who won a two hundred and ten million dollar lottery. The students asked me what I would do with such a hefty amount, and I rapidly replied
(without even thinking) that every student would have a laptop at home and at school.
DiBlasi, a retired CEO, submits that students require collaboration and the ability to edit content discourse and discourse. In an age where so many assignments and projects are technology based, the statement begs adherence.

Since districts vary according to socio-economic status, the availability of resources in which to provide skills in a highly technologically demanding job market vary as well. One thing is consistent; however, and that is the demand for interactive skills, collaboration, and self directed projects exists.

Question 1: Veteran teachers frequently resist change; hence, what can be done to foster enthusiasm and buy in?

A. Old habits die hard; however, it does not take a rocket scientist to see that technology becomes more of a driving force in education with each passing year. I am not opposed to mandatory in-services for staff on buy back days. Most sites also offer designated collaboration times for teachers which could focus on content access via technology.

Question 2: How can massive and advanced technology reach the 21st Century classroom with out “compromising district constraints?"

A. There are a myriad of grants available. Vista High recently received a 5 year grant
(It’s called 21st Century Grant and it provided 2.5 million over a five year period)
to subsidize after school programs. Presently, advanced technology classes, among others, are offered. I believe that a portion of the grant monies is allocated for technology.

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