Monday, March 2, 2009

Journal Three

Journal Three: Keep Them Chatting

Cole, J.. (2009). “Keep Them Chatting." Leading and Learning with Technology.
p. 33-34.

Retrieved on 2/25/2009 from:

Admittedly, I found it difficult to relate to the article because my students do not chat as a form of accessing content. Unless I can secure the site computer lab, I am limited in the frequency of activities that involve technology. However, that is hardly an excuse because my students can find computers on campus during their free time; hence follow through is on them!

I am drawn to the Inquiry Method and will plan on using it in my present unit with
To Kill a Mockingbird. I’m thinking that I’ll write a lesson plan which entails research and subsequent problem solving via human rights groups who advocate for those stereotyped, unjustly accused, or victimized.

Because the majority of my students fall into the ELD umbrella, Mexican history truly serves to engage them, especially around holidays; and with Cinco De Mayo drawing close, they would enjoy an activity that honors their history and thus, supplement their already festive mood. The discrepant event inquiry method and personal life examples
activate prior knowledge and would provide the forum (said like a true English teacher) for the written text of a project. Just the thought of doing a web search for Cinco De Mayo would be an attention getter, especially if they were able to download colored pictures of low riders.

Using illogical comparisons might present a bit of a stretch for the population of students I teach; albeit, not impossible. The web search information could serve as a compare/contrast activity via use of a Venn Diagram. Any concept can be taught with the appropriate scaffolding, and today’s technology offers just that.

Question 1: What happens to my students who have no technology access at home?

A. The assignment entails a specific time of day when students may chat while they are still on campus; and they must be proactive in finding a computer they can use. I do not know if one teacher or staff member that would refuse a quick chat during lunch, extended learning period, or even after school. Students who attend Saturday School
(either for discipline or otherwise) also have ample opportunity to do assigned chats for collaborative projects.

Question 2: What about downloading color pictures to show comparisons or personal life examples.

A. Short and to the point: one per student; let’s blame the budget crisis!

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