Friday, May 8, 2009

Copyright Assignment from Fair Use Harbor and Google Docs

Eryn Connors

Copyright Assignment:

Single Copying Inlet-fair use privileges in making copies of print materials for scholastic purposes

Since the 1976 Copyright Act did not define "fair use;" it only set the four criteria for which fair use may be applicable, the House of Representatives established certain guidelines for making single copies by educators. The House Guidelines state that teachers may make single copies of the following:

  • A chapter from a book.
  • An article from a periodical or newspaper.
  • A...
    • short story
    • short essay
    • short poem
    • ...whether or not from a collective work.
  • A chart, graph, diagram, drawing cartoon or picture from a
    • book
    • periodical
    • newspaper

For research purposes, a teacher may select books, magazine or journal articles, or other documents to be placed in the library's reserve room, which functions as an extension of the classroom. Students may borrow these materials and make single copies on machines that are plainly marked with notices citing protection of the works under the Copyright Act. The students, as users of self-service photocopiers, are held accountable for any copyright violations. Libraries may also make single copies for use in the reserve room at the request of a faculty member. Some college policies recommend that such copies be returned to the faculty member (the fair user), at the end of the semester.

Application for teachers: This information is important for all current and future teachers. I am a SDC teacher and I am constantly making copies of various academic books/pages from books for my students, i.e DOL, Math Minute, monthly activities-Valentines word search, St. Patrick's Day dot-to-dots, homework writing prompts, etc. I am happy to learn that I ma not in violation of this copyright guideline.

Cove of Multiple Copies-fair use privileges in making copies for students

The following "fair use" guidelines must apply for making multiple copies for classroom use.

  • For an article, the limit is 2,500 words.
  • For a longer work of prose, the limit is 1,000 words, or 10% of the work, whichever is less.
  • For a poem, the limit is 250 words.
  • For a longer poem, an excerpt of no more than 250 words may be used.
  • No more than one chart, diagram, cartoon or picture from a
    • book,
    • periodical, or
    • newspaper
  • The copying must be done at the initiative of the teacher (at the moment of inspiration).
  • The copying must be done at a time when it is unreasonable to get permission from the copyright owner.
  • Only one copy is made for each student.
  • No charge is made to the student except to recover only the cost of copying.
  • The copying is done for only one course.
  • The same item is not reproduced from term to term.

No more than...

one work is copied from a single author.

  • three authors are copied from a single collective work (such as an anthology).
  • nine instances of multiple copying occur during a single term or semester.

"Consumable works" shall not be copied, such as:

    • workbooks
    • standardized tests.
  • The same item will not be reproduced from term to term.
  • With respect to newspapers and periodicals, you can copy as many times as you want, while still keeping within the word limits discussed earlier.
  • You may not put copies into collective works, also known as anthologies. This violates the right of the copyright holder to make "derivative works."
  • If you have time to seek a publisher's reprint, or get permission, you are obligated to do so. It is only if you do not have time that it is fair use to make copies for students.

Application for teachers: Due to budget constraints and my district's policy about ordering materials only for students in their respective grade levels, I am in violation of this copyright guideline. I only have 1 workbook/grade level K-3. Having 7 students at various grade and ability levels makes it impossible for me not to violate this copyright guideline.

Lana Van
Background Beach:
I. Copyright definition: “the exclusive right of a creator to reproduce, prepares derivative works, distribute, perform, display, sell, lend or rent their creations”

a. Protects different forms of expressions (i.e.: poetry, prose, artwork, movies, etc…)

b. Does NOT protect ideas, titles, names, short phrases, works in the public domain, mere facts, logos and slogans (protected by trademark), blank forms that only collect information (does not provide information)
c. Copyright Act (1976): 5 rights granted to copyright owner. Rights to….

i. Reproduce the copyrighted work
ii. Prepare derivative copies of the work
iii. Distribute copies of the work
iv. Perform the work publicly
v. Display the work publicly

II. Fair Use: the right to make certain limited copies of copyrighted materials for the purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching, and scholarly research

a. Fair use issue became very controversial; prompted the four “fair use” criteria
b. Fair use criteria:

i. Purpose and character:

1. Questions whether the work is of commercial nature or whether it is intended for use in an educational environment.
2. Questions whether it is an original form of copyrightable expression or whether it is a copy of other(s)’ work.

ii. Nature of the copyrighted work:

1. Questions “whether the work was created for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research”.

iii. Amount and substantiality:

1. Questions how much of the work will you be using or copying.
2. O’Mahoney’s rule of thumb: use no more…than was necessary

iv. Effect upon potential market:

1. Questions whether the copying or use of the copyrighted material(s) deprive the copyright holder of a sale.

Application for Teachers: As a future teacher, the understanding of copyrighted materials and fair use is essential. Teachers use a lot of sources from all over the place as inspirations for their lesson plans. Knowing what is fair use can keep me from crossing the lines when using copyrighted materials in my classroom.

Multimedia Wharf:
I. Multimedia definition: (aka: hypermedia) “multimedia involves the integration of text, graphics, audio and/or video into a computer-based environment”

a. Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia:

i. “Students may incorporate others’ works into their multimedia creations and perform and display them for academic assignments.

ii. Faculty may incorporate others’ works into their multimedia creations to produce curriculum materials.
iii. Faculty may provide for multimedia products using copyrighted works to be accessible to students at a distance (distance learning), provided that only those students may access the material.

iv. Faculty may demonstrate their multimedia creations at professional symposia and retain same in their own portfolios.”

b. Specific limitations on copyrighted work:

i. Motion media: up to 10% or 3 minutes (whichever is less)
ii. Text: up to 10% or 1000 words (whichever is less)
iii. Poems: up to 250 words, limit 3 poems per poet, limit 5 poems by different poets from an anthology
iv. Music: up to 10% or 30 seconds (whichever is less)
v. Photos and images: up to 5 works from one author, up to 10% or 15 works from a collection (whichever is less)
vi. Database information: up to 10% or 2,5000 fields or cell entries (whichever is less)

c. Multimedia products containing copyrighted materials for educational use for a period of more than 2 years must be granted permission by copyrighted author to continue use after the 2 years.

Application for Teachers: As a future teacher, I need to know and understand the fair use guidelines for educational multimedia so that I do not commit any kind of infringement accidentally. There are a lot of specific limitations on copyrighted materials such as text, music, and images. Knowing how much I can use will keep me breaking the law. I also need to know how much is appropriate to incorporate into multimedia presentations so that my students have a model for how to use copyrighted materials into their own work.

Avis (A.J.) Johnson

Audio Visual Lagoon: Fair use and performance of videos and other media in the educational setting

I. Definition: Fair use is the means by which educators in non profit educational institutions may use copyrighted works without seeking permission or making payment to the author or publisher and hence: an Audio Visual project is a form of expression which is protected by copyright; an AV is a composition of sequential pictures, sounds or a subsequent combination; an AV work should not be confused with multimedia (aka hypermedia) which integrates text, graphics, sound, and video clips into a computerized environment and finally, an AV may be incorporated into a multi-media work.

II. Examples of AV:

a. videos which include VHS tapes, laser discs, DVD (digital versatile discs) and movies

b. 35 mm slides

c. Filmstrips

d. 16 mm movies

III. Performance and Display entails when the educator presents an AV work to the students

a. There is a specific section of the Copyright Act which deals with Performance and Display

b. When an educator feels the need to copy a portion of an AV work to be used in an instructional situation, it is considered Fair Use. On a side note,

Fair Use and Performance and Display is different from each other via the 1976 Copyright Act and hence, dealt with accordingly.

c. The 1976 Copyright Act provides teachers to perform AV works to students at a distance; however, with the passage of the 2002 Teach Act, teachers are able, under certain conditions, to utilize digital transmission of AV acts. The conditions or stipulations entail:

1. In a face to face teaching situation, the performance of the AV must meet the instructional objective

2. The AV must be a lawfully made copy as any other performance risks infringement

3. One cannot perform a popular video to students outside of a systematic instructional activity; however, a video may be shown during extra curriculum activities

d. The Four Fair use Criteria for copying (from the 1976 Copyright Act)

1. Use only the smallest and most necessary part of the video to meet the instructional objective of the video.

2. Avoid use of the “creative essence” of the copy write (Becker, 1982; AIME)

3. It is illegal to: copy an entire AV work or convert it to another format, copy a 16mm film onto VHS videotape, even if the title is not available to buy in VHS, copy a ¾ inch video tape onto VHS tape; and finally, to copy a laserdisc onto a video tape.

Teacher Applications:

For starters, if you want to incorporate a small video clip into a multimedia work, you must consult the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. Admittedly, I have (ouch!) not adhered, albeit due to ignorance – now I am quite concerned!! As teachers, it is incumbent on us to justify that the video addresses the CST or educational goal in the unit. The bottom line is that AV usage must be prudent and justifiable!! The bottom line is making sure that I am using the AV specifically for the content objective and that I limit the AV to only what is needed – a brief portion!

Distance Education:

Recent (relative term) revisions to the 1976 Copyright Law are helpful to educators and other support staff

I: The Teach Act, as authorized by President Bush (2002), allows utilization of audio visual works into lesson plans; however, only if specific contingencies are met: 1) Only a non profit institution and students enrolled in specific courses may access audio visual works; 2) Only if the material is available for a short period when students are involved in instructional activities

a. Revisions to the Teach Act (Bush, 2000):

1. The Teach Act allows teachers to perform or display portions of copyrighted works without permission over a digital network to enrolled students only for specified amounts of time as instruction takes place.

2. Lawmakers realized that students/teachers at a distance are not likely to meet at the same time/place; hence the copyright work may remain available during the course work at teacher’s discretion with measures taken to limit access during course session and cease access after session us over.

II: The Teach Act requires:

v A digital version of the copyrighted work if one is available

v If one is not available or if a version is copy protected so that it cannot be used as the Teach Act mandates, the situation is subject to the instructor’s discretion. An analog version of the work may be digitized (and only a reasonable and limited portion) for streaming. For example: A VHS tape clip could be digitized within the parameters of the Teach Act with the provision that the original copy be stored in a network for future use and that no one has access to it.

v Only a “reasonable and limited” amount of some works mat be used to satisfy the instructional goal.

v For images and displays used should be comparable to what is displayed in a live classroom session.

v Any use of materials must be “directly related and of material assistance to the teaching content.” (Harper, 2002)

v There may be no other copies than the ones used for digital transmission

v Any technological protection measures that prevents copying of an AV work must not be circumvented

III. What non profit institutions face in the wake of the Teach Act:

1) policies that govern the use of copyrighted materials;

2) instructors must provide information about copyrighting and the fair use of materials and their performance;

3) there must exist a notice to students that the materials used in class may be subject to

Copyright practices; therefore, that must be clearly annotated on a course syllabus.

Teacher Applications: Along with our awareness of the Teach Act mandates, we need to spread the word to those who are not in the know. Ignorance is not bliss if someone gets busted. I would think that administrators, librarians, and other support staff should be in-serviced on Teach Act policies. In the same vane, students have the knowledge to access digital content, contingent on instructor discretion.

Photoshow Slideshow

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Journals 6-10

Journal Six:

Bigenho, C.(2009) “Mining for Gold.” Leading and Learning. 36.
Retrieved on 3/29/2009 from:

Technology never ceases to amaze with new and more simplistic methods in which people can access information. RSS (Real Simple Syndication/Summary) actually provides the means, via self design (The Daily Me) to access only the information the individual seeks through. The communication method is also an individual choice since one decides to receive specific access through bogs, wakes, or pod casts.

If f that weren’t enough, the information is bookmarked, tagged, and there exists no extra information or advertisement to serve as a distraction. Even cooler: one needs not be a rocket scientist to update the service as it updates itself. According to the Daily Me link, the RSS feed, which is in the XML format which features information/news from various other web sites, changes as the actual published RSS changes. Talk about “designer” for the individual and especially tailored instruction for students as the classroom instructor so deems. I could wrap my brain around RSS and I plan to as RSS is yet another way on enhance classroom assignments and hence, whole class engagement. Since RSS has the capability to bookmark assignments, a teacher is able to have students peruse specific material before arriving and hence, have assigned blogs completed. Akin to receiving a new e-mail, the classroom teacher, through Bloglines Notifier, is notified each time a new post arrives.

One way I would familiarize my students is to show them the RSS feed which is more frequently found on Internet sites – the orange self identified icon, and then I would model a page in which the students could either see or hear the various modes through the aggregator. As they became familiar with the page, they would be provided an opportunity to choose content for projects. For example, they could follow blogs, view part of a pod cast, or access a segment of a television program (see Q and A)

How will RSS benefit the population I work with?

Once familiar with the feed, I would explain the goal of RSS and how its use could benefit them. For starters, within the SDC population I serve, many have challenges with organization, sequencing, and short term memory. The RSS page has the information organized and could be presented in a linear manner so following along would not be so arduous. Since I need to do multiple reviews/tutorials with my students, the page is easily accessible. How does RSS address all learning modalities?

The student sees appealing visuals, hears the audio, and has to manipulate the computer to find specific sites or to post. Many of my students who have ADHD tell me that they learn best through movement with their hands which also assists with concentration.

Journal Seven:

Warwick, D.(2009) “Growing and Learning Network.” Leading and Learning. 36.
Retrieved on 3/28/2009 from: 200904

The article chronicles how drastically people are communication and information has changed as a result of personal learning networks and the increasing benefits of plns for teachers via use of aggregators such as Google, Twitter, skype, Ning, Wikis, pod casts,
and significantly, social bookmarks .The article piggybacks on the previous journal with reference to how RSS feeds play an integral role in the personal learning networking.

With regard to the personally maintained synchronous connection in my class, I see it as a viable tool for conflict resolution, developing social skills and self reflection. My students come with a lot of baggage and frustration because of learning challenges and impulsivity. They also have issues which entail getting in each other’s space. If they could “mix it up” via teleconference (with an adult supervisor acting as facilitator, that is) Then I have the kids who “act in” and fear saying anything at all who reveal their voice only through electronic means and I envision the personally maintained synchronic connection to overcome shyness and ultimately meet the CSTs in oral language expression.

I also visual my students accessing the personally and socially maintained semisynchorous connection personal learning network. On a daily basis, they argue that they could focus better if I would allow them to chat; perhaps there is sustenance to their pleas and I could forego being the “heavy” for a change. (It goes with the territory) At any rate, knowing how teens love to multi-task via e-devices, I could more comfortably assign a collaborative project with some built in chat time to discuss their tags. Now that I am familiar with, I prefer it to Google because it’s streamlined - a strong scaffold for my students.

Would I use the Semisynchronous personal learning network with my class?

Yes, but only if it was used in the Face Book format. They are very self conscious about their writing and spelling skills which would be quite evident in their class blogs. Since Face Book displays more than text and they enjoy it, the written expression would not be such a pressing issue. On the other hand, what a great opportunity for them to do some peer editing via Face Book!

Journal Nine:

Water, J..(2009). The Journal. The Kids Are All Right:
Retrieved on 3/31/20009 from: =24104

The article “The Kids Are All Right” advocates student use Facebook, MySpace, and You Tube without a mere mention of student misuse. I am no prude or control freak; however, I strongly disagree with the language, “We do not believe that educators…need to bear down on kids with complicated rules and restrictions and heavy handed norms about how they should engage online.” Admittedly, the Netiquette rules and ISTs are anything but complicated; however, often students lack the maturity and wisdom to make wise decisions while using technology. Recently, I heard an alarming statistic about teenagers which reflected that 40% have done the “sexting” thing and hence putting themselves at risk for being seen by countless people. Somehow, a strong argument ensues that the kids simply are not all right.

Maybe I missed something; and if so, please enlighten me. The article’s contents, on some levels, could easily contradict NETS-T Standard 4 in the event that students lacked close monitoring and Netiquette ignorance. I sense anarchy on the rise if we relax rules. I hate to sound skeptical; however, I find the article “The Kids Are All Right” reeks of bias. According to the piece, it is incumbent on me, the classroom teacher to facilitate passion for academics via “geeking out” and subsequently, self-directed learning. I hate to be a naysayer, but it’s not likely. The 800 student research project is not an adequate representation of the norm and I was relieved to read that the authors “do not have hard numbers to quantify the research until the project’s next phase. I am not saying I won’t entertain the idea of allowing students to show evidence of concept mastery via mySpace; however, I am not convinced, based on this particular sample. They are a distraction!!

Question One: Can I confidently integrate the use of Face Book, My Space, and You Tube in my class curriculum?

The operative word here is confidently, so the resounding answer is no until sufficient time has been spent on norms. With my freshman, absolutely not; however, my juniors and seniors could handle specific assignments prefaced with clear expectations. Plus, I need more time to research because this article appears to lack objectivity. In other words, along and continuous of Netiquette and District policy on technology.

Question Two: What consequences will be consistently enforced in the event those students dismiss Netiquette?

No slack and no second chances. If one lacks the maturity and wisdom to use technology in and educational and enriching method during school, the privilege to use it should be lost. Hey, I value my credential and there’s no way I will lose it during my watch!
Journal 10:

Green, B. and Thormann, J. (2009). “Testing Kurweil 3000.” Leading and Learning.
36. Retrieved on 4/3/09 from:

Since learning bits and pieces about Kurzweil through my credentialing program
and actually testing it here on the CSUSM campus and the United Cerebral Palsy
Association Center, I’m convinced that it holds the panacea for struggling readers, especially those who have receptive language processing deficits in either auditory or visual comprehension. No intervention is perfect; however, I feel this program comes the closest. Features of the Kurzweil 3000 include: text to speech, dictionary, spell check, syllabication, highlighting key points with different colors contingent on specific text, zoom, speed, test taking and much more. The program, designed to assist students with auditory and visual processing deficits, are able to access whatever program best accommodates comprehension of content.

Green and Thurman also completed a study in how the Kurzweil fared compared to either Word or Mac features in which they chose Kurzweil because it offers a larger variety of support for the student who learning challenges. For example, the Korowai program has the capability to summarize key points of a chapter and create study guides. For the student who faces the daily challenge of dyslexia, the program provides both the visual word attack and auditory presentation of the text; hence the student can focus on concepts, analysis, and other critical thinking skills.

The use of Kurzweil fosters independence for those who are challenged with written text
and it also levels the playing field for those who are in general education classes. Students who have dystrophic (problems with sequencing thoughts into written text and illegible handwriting find that Kurzweil greatly assists with written organization and appropriate transitions.

If you think you would like to give the program a shot (you will be having students with IEPs in your classes), check out Kurzweil here on campus; you’ll find it in Disabled Student Services. That term bugs me because we’re supposed to be talking about empowerment for all students. It’s the ultimate way to differentiate instruction.

Question One: How can a school or a school district justify the Kurzweil expense?

I would suggest writing a grant which would provide in-services for teachers and assistants, media techs and the $3000 plus which is needed for the program.

Question Two: Because the Kurzweil offers so many capabilities, how will the students feel undaunted by the program? There exist tutorials, plus daily use will be habit forming.
Also, teachers and media techs will oversee student usage and thus be available.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Intro to A.J. Johnson

My name is Avis Johnson (nicknamed A.J.) and I hail from New York City – the Big Apple, so to speak. As much as I love the ambiance of Manhattan, I would never want to move back! I claim San Diego State as my alma mater, and proudly so; this is where I received my master’s degree in Mild/Moderate Special Education. Currently, I teach at Vista High School.

As referenced frequently in my other technology class, I consider myself a ‘Digital Immigrant surrounded by my students who are “Digital Natives.” Last Wednesday, I experienced my first encounter using an Apple…perhaps I should reference the experience as an adventure in which I found myself wondering how I should proceed quite frequently. Let’s just say I felt quite humbled as I drove home; however, it is high time to leave my comfort zone and address my anxieties about making the big switch. Admittedly, my comfort zone is wrapped all around my PC and I depend on it as a teacher and a small business owner. Consider me old school; I use Microsoft Office 2003.

The CSUSM COE Mission Statement clearly stresses the urgency and importance of technological access of content in the classroom. It is incumbent on today’s teacher to utilize technological resources, and in so doing, commit to professional development and life long learning about digital advances. When one considers how technologically savvy the students are, the classroom teacher must be aware of how technology can be abused.In a word, I feel humbled – and I must play a great deal of catch up the teen type Digital Natives” on my class rosters.

Inspiration Nets Cluster

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Journal 8: SMARTBoards

Journal Eight: The Use of SMARTBoards in the Classroom (No more chalk stains!)

Classroom 2.0

Retrieved 3/28/2009 from

After hearing so many positive comments about SMARTBoards and their efficacy with students who face specific learning challenges, I choose to investigate this particular technological device. A SMARTBoard is an interactive white board which can enhance activities and thus, improve learning skills. Basically, it is a touch sensitive board connected to a digital projector and computer. The projector shows the image from the computer screen to the whiteboard. Once the software is downloaded, the computer can be manipulated by hand or special pen.

One blogger suggests having the students actually play around with the SMARTBoard before actually using it as a learning too. Students are asked to write their names via the SMARTBoard and then manipulate the font on an attendance page. As the students enter the classroom, they find their names and drag them to the appropriate attendance column.

Another blogger touts SMARTBoards as a “public computer for the class” which helps facilitate and accelerates student learning in a collaborative manner. She also comments that less students sleep or tune out than prior to the SMARTBoard. (Man that got my interest!) The same blogger contends that he doesn’t know how he taught without it, akin to the way most of us feel about cell phones and other technological devices. One does not need look deeply into the blogs to see enthusiasm about how the SMARTBoard “digitizes” lesson plans and encourages students use.

In the classroom, the only negative I foresee is my students waiting their turns to check in or participate in a class project. I see using a SMARTBoard to model the importance of technology and to encourage my students who have hesitations, just as I have. Since a SMARTBoard ultimately takes the place of a whiteboard, I like the idea of using my whiteboard space to post student work, inspirational posters, and standards-based reminders. Because I work with students who have learning challenges, I see the use of a SMARTBoard to help them feel successful. Of course I would have to set norms and schedules for its use; that’s a given.

I checked out a few websites; however most of them seek to sell their products and the ads are a bit distracting

Sunday, March 29, 2009

NETS- T: Inspiration

NETS-T Inspiration represents a graphic organizer of Technology Teaching Standards, sub-standards, and visual examples of each

Standard One

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Journal Five

Journal Five:

Bull, Glen. (2006). Leading and Learning with Technology. Collaboration in
a Web 2.0 Environment.
Retrieved from:

Web 2.0 offers syndication via RSS (Really Simple Syndication) as a means of classroom collaboration among students, offering them yet another venue in which they can share work and collaborate on projects. What an excellent method of engaging students in content based activities because they are familiar with the practice since it’s so commonly used to contact friends.

With regard to the student population I teach and the subsequent use of Web 2.0., very specific boundaries would be enforced if (or shall I say when) I am in the position to provide student access. For starters. I would do an entire lesson plan about Web 2.0 so my students would be clear (CRYSTAL) on the programs’ purpose. I know my kids well enough to know that they are seeking fun and entertainment rather than the sharing of content; and because they tend to be task avoidant, they venture into unproductive ways of spending time. Both my students and their parents would sign an agreement prior to the onset of a collaborative project.

NetVibes sound like an incredible teaching tool with multiple supports for
students via RSS which features the feed for G-Mail, pictures through the
Flickr, and web based word processing (Writely). Since Web 2.0 offers an editing component (which addresses State Standard Written Expression) offers an intervention for struggling writers who fear peer input. At this point, planning and knowing I had the necessary resources precedes a class or group project involving either Bloglines or Web.2.0; however, at least I have the data to begin some type of integration in my units.

Question 1: How will the students buy into Web 2.0?
A. The fact that they already know how to socially network is a real plus. The magic happens when they find that Web 2.0 provides an interactive and fun way to build and even remediate language (and otherwise skills)

Question 2: What about students who do not have web access at home?
A. Via the site computer labs and the library, students are afforded the opportunity to create a class project vs. Web 2.0.

Journal Four

Journal Four:

Riedel, C..(2009). T-H-E Journal. Create, Collaborate, Communicate: Empowering
Students with 21st Century Skills.
Retrieved on 3/1/2009 from:

Such a sad commentary that “education ranks 55 and thus, below technological applications used in coal mining.” creates a dismal, yet clear perception that
t describes the educational crisis that currently exist (Reidel, 2009.) The statement is far from arbitrary. Admittedly, the “traditional classroom” frequently fails to address the skills current students require in order to fare in the highly competitive and advanced age which is referenced as a means of empowerment in the article. Indeed, employers seek those who have interactive and problem solving skills. Video conferencing is huge, and easily saves large corporations traveling expended. This generation of students is expected to establish a global voice in the domestic and world economy.

The other day, after reading The North County Times, one of my students enjoyed the story about the 10 people who won a two hundred and ten million dollar lottery. The students asked me what I would do with such a hefty amount, and I rapidly replied
(without even thinking) that every student would have a laptop at home and at school.
DiBlasi, a retired CEO, submits that students require collaboration and the ability to edit content discourse and discourse. In an age where so many assignments and projects are technology based, the statement begs adherence.

Since districts vary according to socio-economic status, the availability of resources in which to provide skills in a highly technologically demanding job market vary as well. One thing is consistent; however, and that is the demand for interactive skills, collaboration, and self directed projects exists.

Question 1: Veteran teachers frequently resist change; hence, what can be done to foster enthusiasm and buy in?

A. Old habits die hard; however, it does not take a rocket scientist to see that technology becomes more of a driving force in education with each passing year. I am not opposed to mandatory in-services for staff on buy back days. Most sites also offer designated collaboration times for teachers which could focus on content access via technology.

Question 2: How can massive and advanced technology reach the 21st Century classroom with out “compromising district constraints?"

A. There are a myriad of grants available. Vista High recently received a 5 year grant
(It’s called 21st Century Grant and it provided 2.5 million over a five year period)
to subsidize after school programs. Presently, advanced technology classes, among others, are offered. I believe that a portion of the grant monies is allocated for technology.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Journal Three

Journal Three: Keep Them Chatting

Cole, J.. (2009). “Keep Them Chatting." Leading and Learning with Technology.
p. 33-34.

Retrieved on 2/25/2009 from:

Admittedly, I found it difficult to relate to the article because my students do not chat as a form of accessing content. Unless I can secure the site computer lab, I am limited in the frequency of activities that involve technology. However, that is hardly an excuse because my students can find computers on campus during their free time; hence follow through is on them!

I am drawn to the Inquiry Method and will plan on using it in my present unit with
To Kill a Mockingbird. I’m thinking that I’ll write a lesson plan which entails research and subsequent problem solving via human rights groups who advocate for those stereotyped, unjustly accused, or victimized.

Because the majority of my students fall into the ELD umbrella, Mexican history truly serves to engage them, especially around holidays; and with Cinco De Mayo drawing close, they would enjoy an activity that honors their history and thus, supplement their already festive mood. The discrepant event inquiry method and personal life examples
activate prior knowledge and would provide the forum (said like a true English teacher) for the written text of a project. Just the thought of doing a web search for Cinco De Mayo would be an attention getter, especially if they were able to download colored pictures of low riders.

Using illogical comparisons might present a bit of a stretch for the population of students I teach; albeit, not impossible. The web search information could serve as a compare/contrast activity via use of a Venn Diagram. Any concept can be taught with the appropriate scaffolding, and today’s technology offers just that.

Question 1: What happens to my students who have no technology access at home?

A. The assignment entails a specific time of day when students may chat while they are still on campus; and they must be proactive in finding a computer they can use. I do not know if one teacher or staff member that would refuse a quick chat during lunch, extended learning period, or even after school. Students who attend Saturday School
(either for discipline or otherwise) also have ample opportunity to do assigned chats for collaborative projects.

Question 2: What about downloading color pictures to show comparisons or personal life examples.

A. Short and to the point: one per student; let’s blame the budget crisis!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Journal 2: Museums in the Classroom

Journal 2: Museums in the Classroom

Reissman, R.. (2009). Museums in the Classroom. Learning and Leading with Technology, 38. Retrieved February 23, 2009 from:
http:www.learning and

Museums in the Classroom is a thorough yet concise rendering of how students are able to virtually visit a museum, regardless of its location. The article provides students with a forum to integrate pictures in the classroom at no cost! Teachers also benefit as they are offered a variety of supplementary materials such as guides, planners, and suggestions for student collaboration. Students can even plan for a museum opening with the actual gala of the occasion, even though in their own classroom. Plus, one can check out a cybermuseum long before and after an actual museum opens and closes in the privacy of home. Student engagement is crucial, and with this taste of realia, one would be hard pressed not to become interested!

Resource Central Museum Resources ( serves as search engine for various sciences, history, and even math. Students are able to download and subsequently display banners and souvenirs as well as design entry tickets and guest registries.

One need not look far for a glossary of museum terminology which is offered via Discovering the Museum Glossary (
and a medium in which to provide tours for peers or school staff through the Great Museums site (

Most students dream of travel one day; however, the cost of going abroad is definitely a factor. Now, students can virtually travel the world, in so doing, access content and become more computer literate.

1. How can students access virtual museums with limited number of computers in the classroom?

Most schools, especially high schools, have computer labs which accommodate large groups of students. Prior to their arrival, teacher instruction and subsequent modeling
should be done in order to students to best utilize computer time. Groups should be arranged, specific tasks determined, and independent practice defined prior to the lab activities.

2. What about the exorbitant cost of downloading colored pictures, documents, souvenirs and admission tickets and teacher materials?

Here’s where a student fund raiser could be extremely helpful, especially with the present supplies budget frozen. Prior to visiting the computer lab (at the very onset of the project), students will ascertain what materials they need to complete their projects. For example, colored paper, ink cartridges, etc. Collaboratively, the class will have a raffle, sale (See’s Candy) or other type of fund raising activity to cover the costs of materials needed to create a full blown classroom museum.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking:

Netiquette Home Page -- A Service of

Surprisingly, I received a 90% on the quiz. I guessed at two answers concerning chat room protocols as I’ve never been in an actual chat room; I figured that brb stood for be right back. A few of the questions were simple common sense; however, there were a few of which I was unfamiliar. The question about the conditions in which a forward could be done was a bit tricky. The answer “Remember the human” will stick with me.

Students should know the rules of Netiquette ranging from common courtesy to outright breaking the law. I don’t know that ignorance of the law would hold up these days with kids as technically savvy as they are. From what I understand in the educational community, text messaging and visuals of a sexual nature are quite common and subsequently damaging. Since computer classes are not a requirement for graduation (at least in my district) where they can be presented usage guidelines for their parents to sign), there must be informational document in a mass mailing which explains the provisions of computer usage for incoming students. There simply exists too many ways for computer misuse and there’s no room for pleading ignorant.

Ed Change:

I failed that quiz miserably; wow, so much for thinking I had some semblance of social awareness. Ironically, one of the few that I did get right I was actually hoping would be wrong:

“According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median annual income for the U.S. white men (25 and over) who have earned graduate degrees is $80,000. What are the median annual incomes for Latina/Native American women who have earned graduate degrees?”
Although aware that the pay is far from commensurate with minority women, I was astonished that Native American women receive a mere $40,000 compared to the white male with the same degree at $80,000. Now, that’s both gender and race discrimination and I find myself wondering agencies that advocate for both Latinas and Native women. Certainly this is blatantly unconscionable and I would be interested in ascertaining what La Raza or the Indian Rights councils are doing to address such an injustice. Out of curiosity, I can’t help but be curious about the discrepancy between white men and white women. Sometimes I feel as if I just crawled out from under a rock. I had no idea that the gap was this huge, and it definitely is disturbing news.

Another mind blower: “What portion of the U.S. budget goes to welfare and Social Security?

The less than one percent answer was shocking. Welfare recipients abound – at least, that’s my take, and honestly, sometimes I resent that their perks represent my tax dollar hard work. With a full blown budget crisis in full swing, it certainly seems plausible that some of the bleeding heart liberals of yesteryear were too generous and subsequently, states such as California are flat busted broke. With this new reality check that the actual figures for Welfare and SS represent less than 1% of the U.S. budget, I have fewer objections to Welfare; however, I feel that elderly citizens who have worked all of their lives deserve much more compensation. I’m also left wondering what other U.S. budget surprises are in store, especially in the wake of today’s American financial plight.

Teaching Tolerance Lesson Idea

This site provides an excellent week-long lesson for teenagers via the National Youth Violence Prevention Campaign. Upon first sight, it reminds me of something Vista High School utilizes during Breaking Down the Walls week in which we guest speakers and facilitators.

Day 1: Promote Respect and Tolerance
Day 2: Manage Your Anger
Day 3: Resolve Conflicts Peacefully
Day 4: Support Safety
Day 5: United in Action

The following are also excellent lessons for high school age kids and they strongly supplement the Vista High Character Counts curriculum. They can be used in grades 9-12. Subjects include: No Name Calling, No Sticks, No Stones, No Dissing video and subsequent lesson plan activities An American Dream video by Martin Luther King and speech contest We Can Live Together video and writing assignments.

Multiple Intelligences:

Contrary to the last decade, there are now eight areas of Multiple Intelligences compared to 7. They include the interpersonal, intrapersonal, body-kinesthetic, spatial, musical, logical-mathematical, musical, and most recently, the naturalistic. Evidence shows that the eight areas, when carefully integrated into content, reflects success across the board. Multiple assessments and collaboration within staff are an important component of M.I. success. Wistfully, the writer wishes that resources were available for M.I. professional development and subsequent implementation in Vista Unified.

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Home Page - Kathy Schrock's Guide ...
Under the category Literature and English Language Assessment, the link to Chico High School English Language and Literature Resources provided novels and short stories for English Language Learners

My students are secondary English Language Learners with learning challenges recommended sites under Reading, Writing, and Speaking: ESL Café, The Problem with Listening: English as a Second Language. Chances are, they would not appreciate
Some of the child-like visuals and graphics; however, anything can be changed to accommodate older students.

NEA-Achievement Gap:

Multi ethnic groups, English Language Learners, students with learning disabilities, and youngsters who come from low income families are most at risk to be placed in achievement gaps and they are frequently the population I work with.

For starters, the guideline that most struck me is “Determine the diverse groups at your school by considering cultural, linguistic, racial, and ethnic diversity and find out the degree to which students in these groups are accessing available school resources.” Since I am a special education teacher, I have a bit of an edge as most of that data comes from feeder school IEPS. Those who are English Language Learners or Migrants are usually receiving commensurate services; however, the CELDT scores drive placement. It’s helpful to know that it’s against the law to test students of African American ethnicity unless the parents ask for it. Knowing the socio-economic status is a plus because I can then discern a student’s language needs if they speak BIC (Basic Interpersonal Skills) or if they’re closer to proficient. Having access to the IEP and the cume files are huge pieces when ascertaining specific student needs.

Another guideline that supplements my classroom style is “Engage school staff in discussions and activities that offers an opportunity to explore attitudes, beliefs, and values related to cultural diversity and cultural competence.” My first full lesson of the year entails positive co-existence in class and on campus. It’s based on conflict resolution techniques and an exercise entitled “Home Court. (La Meres, The Winner’s Circle)Vista High offers the Renaissance and Character Counts programs in which I encourage the kids to join. Renaissance rewards students who ordinarily would be unnoticed, and Character Counts wields the Six Pillars: Respect, Trustworthiness, Caring, Fairness,Citizenship and Responsibility. Since I was fortunate enough to attend the Character Counts seminar, I have a wealth of materials that I incorporate with my lesson plans. For example, my classes are just finishing To Kill a Mocking Bird and hence, doing a character study on Artifices Finch. As in the other major literary works we covered, students are asked to identify which Pillars the protagonist reveals and how those character traits affect plot development.

Finally, “gathering and organizing resource materials related to culturally diverse groups for use by school staff” fits my teaching style because I am a known collaborator and a multi modality instructor. One need not apply for a SPED position if they are not because I am only one of an IEP Team and only one of both English and ELD departments. From the many in-services I have attended district wide, via BTSA, or my SPED Level II program, I have so many gems to share – short story units for SDC/ELDs, Character Counts, Breaking Down the Wall Activities, Lindamood-Bell Reading Strategies, Lesson Plan by Design, Quantum Learning, Holt, and CLAD courses have left me with resource materials which address culturally diverse students. There simply is not reason to re-invent the wheel when there are so many resources with which to collaborate.

National Archives: The Charters of Freedom
I choose to view the online exhibit “The Charters of Freedom” which showcases the actual creating of The Charters, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. The site’s visuals, for either sale or download, are off the chart in color and detail. I can’t help but remember how I, as a teen, found history so dull, but this site clearly depicts, in color and detail, what I bypassed so long ago. If I taught history, my room would clearly reflect the artistic artifacts the site showcases.

One could easily write an epistle on the importance of primary resource importance as primary resources generally reflect a more specific or authentic piece of content. A strong primary resource shows evidence (the big buzz word in this day and age) that the student did an extensive search for pertinent text, visuals, or even an artifact of sort.Primary sources strengthen a research paper and the subsequent hypothesis; and in so doing, create an interactive and aesthetically pleasing project in a multi-modality way.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Passport to Digital Citizenship: Journal One

Journal One

Rubble, M. (2009)Passport to Digital Citizenship.” Leading and Learning. 4.

Retrieved 1/30/2009 from:


Riddle wastes no words establishing a coherent article thesis, clearly relating the

the importance of importance of approaching technology and hence, “digital citizenship,” with serious regard and respect and the respective mission statement of the new NET*S. The “passport,” used metaphorically, hinges on commensurate adherence to using technology responsibly and proactively.

Indeed, technology has changed lives, and as strong as that assertion stands, it is yet an understatement. As with all advances, there exists the positives and negatives. While technology yields such an excellent medium in which to access content and other pertinent data, it also serves to tempt the student who aspired to please parents, gain acceptance in an elite college, and even cheat during a class test. Hence, the need for“The Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship” must be enforced to prevent absolute anarchy on the web and its subsequent plethora of users.

Whereas the writer appreciates all that ISTE NETS Refresh Project aspiration in dealing with the strong emergence of social changes, one could argue that professional development and parent projects stand little to no chance of implementation with the declining economy and shortage of educational resources. These days, teachers face cuts across the board; the year began bleakly. This is not to deter or discourage my ED 422 classmates from entering the teaching field; simply the statement was made to gain awareness that the onus is on teachers to set technological standards.

Students require technological guidelines aligned with class expectations – something the writer learned the hard way. In an SDC/ELD English class, many students have no computer at home; therefore, the school computer seems the panacea for access. Whereas computers are an essential component to the CA State Standards in Education, some students, especially those who are without access, view the computer as a toy or more specifically, a means of entertainment. As in all aspects in education, the buzz word is accountability. After all, no computer should be left behind since the goal is to narrow the achievement gap!

Question 1:

How can we, as teachers, establish clear and consistent expectations for student computer usage? For example, what consequences exist for each specific act of misuse, even though Districts enforce prudent blockings of specific sites?

Answer: Consistent modeling and clear expectations at all times – no exceptions.

Nada nada, zippo, zilch. Technology must be respected and revered.

Question 2:

Considering the apathetic attitude on some parent’s part, and the desensitization toward violence which results from access to heinous and macabre materials, what incentives could be offered to reduce technological misuse? Also, parent education usually involves financial resources and the State claims no $$$$, yet the article references “a disconnect between what is happening at school and the homes.” How will we interface?

Answer: List the ISTE Standards on the school web site, in the class syllabus, on individual teacher websites, or in hard copies which are sent home as introduction letters.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Introduction to A.J. Johnson

My name is Avis Johnson (nicknamed A.J.) and I hail from New York City – the Big Apple, so to speak. As much as I love the ambiance of Manhattan, I would never want to move back! I claim San Diego State as my alma mater, and proudly so; this is where I received my master’s degree in Mild/Moderate Special Education. Currently, I teach at Vista High School.

As referenced frequently in my other technology class, I consider myself a ‘Digital Immigrant surrounded by my students who are “Digital Natives.” Last Wednesday,

I experienced my first encounter using an Apple…perhaps I should reference the experience as an adventure in which I found myself wondering how I should proceed

quite frequently. Let’s just say I felt quite humbled as I drove home; however, it is high time to leave my comfort zone and address my anxieties about making the big switch. Admittedly, my comfort zone is wrapped all around my PC and I depend on it as a teacher and a small business owner. Consider me old school; I use Microsoft Office 2003.

The CSUSM COE Mission Statement clearly stresses the urgency and importance of technological access of content in the classroom. It is incumbent on today’s teacher to utilize technological resources, and in so doing, commit to professional development and life long learning about digital advances. When one considers how technologically savvy the students are, the classroom teacher must be aware of how technology can be abused.

In a word, I feel humbled – and I must play a great deal of catch up the teen type

Digital Natives” on my class rosters.